Country | Slovakia |
Influence of the financing instrument | Indirect |
Thematic Scope | all |
Type | Non R&D Project Funding |
Legal/Financial Form | grant |
A. Development and implementation of low-carbon strategies for all types of areas, especially for urban areas, including updating and implementation of municipal development concepts in the field of thermal energy B. Implementation of energy and environmental management systems, including energy audits and the EU Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) C. Development of energy services at regional and local level.
Possible usage of the funding instrument in the P2G context: Within this funding possibility there is a possibility to develop a strategy to implement P2G technology and infrastructure into a development strategy of the regions.
Legal Entity | Ministerstvo životného prostredia, Operačný progam kvalita životného prostredia, SIEA Slovenská Inovačná a Energetická agentúra |
Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, Operational Program Environmental Quality - Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic | |
Geographic Scope | Entire country except the region of capital city |
Eligibility Criteria | public administration entities, entities of territorial self-government |
Co-Financing Rate | 5% |
Volume | 5.000.000 € total, 5.000-200.000 € each |
Duration | Maximum 20 months |
Limitations | |
Periodicity thus far | Every two years |
Web Address | |