Renewable raw materials

Country Germany
Influence of the
financing instrument
Thematic Scope power2gas technology
electricity generation or consumption suitable for coupling with P2G hubs
Type R&D Project Funding
Investment Funding
Legal/Financial Form grant

The funding programme is part of the government's high-tech strategy to improve Germany's competitive position. It also supports the government's “Policy Strategy on Bioeconomy”, which aims to create a resource-efficient economy that makes use of renewable resources. The programme is intended to support the further development of a sustainable bio-based economy. This involves developing innovative, internationally competitive bio-based products, as well as processes and technologies for their production. Furthermore, the programme also supports the development of concepts aimed at improving the sustainability of the bio-based economy, while taking society's expectations into account.

Possible usage of the funding instrument in the P2G context: The programme supports research and innovation actions as well as demonstration projects in the field of raw material and residue preparation and processing as well as bio-based products and bioenergy sources, among others. This also includes pilot actions for innovative power-to-gas hubs. The programme consists of several specific calls, which are regularly published at the programme website. Initiative proposals are possible.

Legal Entity Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL)
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Geographic Scope Germany; cooperation with other countries is possible
Eligibility Criteria Research institutes, SMEs, associations
Co-Financing Rate 50% - 100% depending on project goals and type of applicant
Volume Depending on specific calls
Duration Max. 4 years
Limitations Depending on the specific calls; proposals must address all goals of the programme, including social aspects
Periodicity thus far Calls are published regularly, initiative proposals are possible
Web Address