
Country Czech Republic
Influence of the
financing instrument
Thematic Scope power2gas technology
Type R&D Project Funding
Legal/Financial Form grant

The context of the funding instrument: The main objective of the Support Programme and Call is, through grants, to support the growth and competitiveness of SMEs by means of digital transformation, thus contributing to the development of regions. The main objective of this subsidy scheme is to support the growth and competitiveness of SMEs, thus contributing to the development of regions. Development of P2G represents a promising business plan which has the potential to increase the competitiveness of the region.

Legal Entity Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu České Republiky
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Geographic Scope Česká Republika except NUTS 2 Prague
Eligibility Criteria SME
Co-Financing Rate Aid intensity – an amount equal to a maximum of 35% (medium-sized enterprise) or a maximum of 45% (small enterprise) of proven eligible expenditure, the project grant shall be provided at the minimum amount of 1 M CZK and up to the maximum amount of 40 M CZK
Volume 200 M CZK
Duration 4 years
Limitations The project grant shall be provided at the minimum amount of 1 M CZK and up to the maximum amount of 40 M CZK
Periodicity thus far 1 times per 5 years
Web Address