
Country Czech Republic
Influence of the
financing instrument
Thematic Scope biomass
Type R&D Project Funding
Legal/Financial Form other/etc.

Establishment or expansion of industrial research, development and innovation centres based on the acquisition of machinery/equipment, intangible assets and construction or technical improvement of buildings and other equipment of the centre necessary to carry out the activities of the centre. Possible usage of the funding instrument in the P2G context: Innovation centre for P2G seems to be a promising project proposal.

Legal Entity Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu České Republiky
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Geographic Scope Česká Republika except NUTS 2 Prague
Eligibility Criteria SME, large enterprise, enterprises owned up to 100% by the public sector
Co-Financing Rate The subsidy will be granted at 50% of the total eligible expenditure regardless of the size of the enterprise and place of implementation.
Volume 2 B CZK
Duration Duration of the research center is not subject of limitation.
Limitations The project grant shall be provided at the minimum amount of CZK 2 million and up to the maximum amount of CZK 50 million (inclusive).
Periodicity thus far 1 times per 2 years
Web Address https://www.agentura-api.org/en/programy-podpory/potencial/potencial-vyzva-vii/