Energy savings in Heat Supply Systems

Country Czech Republic
Influence of the
financing instrument
Thematic Scope grid infrastructure
Type Investment Funding
Legal/Financial Form grant

The objective of programm Energy Savings in Heat Supply Systems is to support the competitiveness and sustainability of the Czech economy by a maximum use of cogeneration of heat and power. This subsidy call might be an opportunity to obtain funds for financing development and deployments of technologies dealing with utilization of energy in terms of energy savings. Power-2-Gas represents a viable method to store energy for subsequent use making it a financeable method for this call.

Legal Entity Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu České Republiky
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Geographic Scope Česká Republika except NUTS 2 Prague
Eligibility Criteria Small, medium and large enterprises, public sector, natural or legal persons on the basis of a license for the production of electricity
Co-Financing Rate 40, 45 or 50 % depending on the type of the enterprise
Volume 200 M CZK
Duration 4 years
Limitations minimum project budget of 5 M CZK
Periodicity thus far 1 times per 5 years
Web Address https://www.agentura-api.org/en/programy-podpory/uspory-energie-v-szt/uspory-energie-v-szt-vyzva-iv/