Преференциални цени за изкупуване на електрическа енергия, произведена от биомаса

Preferential pricing for electricity produced from biomass

Country Bulgaria
Influence of the
financing instrument
Thematic Scope electricity generation or consumption suitable for coupling with P2G hubs
Type Other
Legal/Financial Form minimal guaranteed price by law

To stimulate investments in renewable energy the preferential pricing mechanism foresees minimum price for electricity produced from biomass. 

Possible usage of the funding instrument in the P2G context: Preferential pricing allows a potential investor in P2G installation to diversify his risk with the possibility to produce and sell electricity in addition to the production of renewable gas. Depending on the current market price of natural gas the energy from the biomass can be directed either for production of electricity, production of renewable natural gas, or both. 

Legal Entity Комисия за енергийно и водно регулиране
Energy and water regulatory commission
Geographic Scope National
Eligibility Criteria Certified producers of electricity from RES
Co-Financing Rate Preferential price; Different preferential prices apply for different power ranges of facilities using biomass as a source: Above 1.5 MW; Between 500 kW and 1.5 MW; Under 500 kW; Additional differentiation is made on the technology and the type of biomass used, which opens the door for sharing of the biomass energy for production of both – electricity and renewable gas
Volume The volume depends on a pre-agreed OPEX of production facilities. It is a subject of periodic update.
Duration ongoing
Periodicity thus far annually
Web Address https://www.dker.bg/