DanuP-2-Gas Optimization Tool is a tool for optimal sizing of power-to-gas hubs. P2G hubs can:

Optimization result is not only the specification of the obtained P2G hub but also includes time diagrams of consumed and produced energy and material, i.e. the tool also gives optimized scheduling of the P2G hub operation.

Simplified scheme of a P2G hub considered in the tool.
Simplified scheme of a P2G hub considered in the tool.

You can download the tool here(ZIP file ~90 MB - Windows system required)

After downloading the ZIP file and extracting its content, make sure to read the README file (also in the ZIP) before using the tool.

To learn more about the tool, how to use it, its capabilities, features, and its mathematical background, please check out our publications:

2023, JuneConference paperPhotovoltaic and Wind Power Plants Production Profiles Generation from Scarce Data2023 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)
2024, JanuaryTechnical reportDanuP2Gas Optimization Tool - User ManualExplanation of the tool’s functionality and instructions on how to use it
2025, FebruaryJournal articleJoint optimal sizing and operation scheduling of a power-to-gas hub based on a linear programApplied Energy

If you have any questions regarding the tool, you can contact the developers:
filip.rukavina@fer.hr; marijo.sundrica@fer.hr; antonio.karneluti@fer.hr; mario.vasak@fer.hr

This video explains the usage of the Optimization Tool built in the DanuP2Gas project

To bring interested parties and stakeholders closer to the project and the use of the optimization tool and to give the opportunity to use the individual results of the project for a new synergistic cooperation workshops were held in the partner countries. Here you can find collected materials from all these national workshops:

AustriaDownload workshop material (zip)
BulgariaDownload workshop material (zip)
CroatiaDownload workshop material (zip)
Czech RepublicDownload workshop material (zip)
GermanyDownload workshop material (zip)
HungaryDownload workshop material (zip)
RomaniaDownload workshop material (zip)
SerbiaDownload workshop material (zip)
SlovakiaDownload workshop material (zip)
SloveniaDownload workshop material (zip)