Biomass and Infrastructure Database
This section lists all the collected data.
Country | Category | Company Name | Company Type | Owner Address |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Wolframs-Eschenbach | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010206693100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Abenberg | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010393283100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Dombühl | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010193353100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Herrieden | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010023457100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Arnschwang | Biomass (Bm) | E21041011000000000000389802200000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Furth im Wald | Biomass (Bm) | E21041011000000000000391265500000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Arnschwang | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000363757300000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Leutershausen | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010031245100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Schwandorf | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000361630700000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ansbach | Biomass (Bm) | E2024801AAAAA10000431400000100001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ansbach | Biomass (Bm) | E20248012310000000000001039200001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Rednitzhembach | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010218377100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Petersaurach | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010031966100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Rohr | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010031086100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Schwandorf | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000368273600000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ansbach | Biomass (Bm) | E2024801AAAAA10000483570000100001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Colmberg | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010203897100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Colmberg | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010348097100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Weihenzell | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010198671100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Weihenzell | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010020556100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Schönthal | Biomass (Bm) | E2104101SZP0000000000042295100001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Geslau | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010194915100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Kastl | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000366711600000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Oberdachstetten | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010348028100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Dietenhofen | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010027696100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Großhabersdorf | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010337078100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Nürnberg | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BHKW000000010356889100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Amberg | Biomass (Bm) | E20410010100100132001002135700000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Niedermurach | Biomass (Bm) | E2104101S160000000000028429900001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Obernzenn | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010248643100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Steinsfeld | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010034167100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Fürth | Biomass (Bm) | E2020201Bi29500650000000007G00001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ohrenbach | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010195169100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Wilhermsdorf | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010210019100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Birgland | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000365994000000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ohrenbach | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010028973100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Sulzbach-Rosenberg | Biomass (Bm) | E21041011000000000000188504000001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Uffenheim | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000000514075100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Bad Windsheim | Biomass (Bm) | E20156010000101025002000S00000001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Emskirchen | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010240970100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Herzogenaurach | Biomass (Bm) | E20398010S01393900400400001200027 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Markt Nordheim | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010028459100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Gelchsheim | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010211910100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Moosbach | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000358278600000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Sugenheim | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010248958100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Eslarn | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000295908700000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Hirschau | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000366331400000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ochsenfurt | Biomass (Bm) | E118840197199AAAAA100002222400001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ochsenfurt | Biomass (Bm) | E118840197199AAAAA100001681000001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Pirk | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000298132500000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Obernbreit | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010252218100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ochsenfurt | Biomass (Bm) | E11884019719919000000000000000095 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Reichenberg | Biomass (Bm) | E2307101SV00000000000093600100001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Reichenberg | Biomass (Bm) | E2307101S000000000400018318800001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Biebelried | Biomass (Bm) | E2191501BIXX000000010030483100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Berg | Wind (W) | E2104101EA01000000000047374000004 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Plößberg | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000366986000000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Plößberg | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000309132700000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Plößberg | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000367631700000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Pettstadt | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000354452800000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Rimpar | Biomass (Bm) | E2307101S000000000000095900100001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Kemnath | Biomass (Bm) | E2104101S160000000000018822200001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Tirschenreuth | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000351087300000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Unterpleichfeld | Biomass (Bm) | E21669011501500000000000000000001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Unterpleichfeld | Biomass (Bm) | E21669011501500010000000000200001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Leonberg | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000354026800000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Kolitzheim | Biomass (Bm) | E21669010870900000000000000100001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Bayreuth | Biomass (Bm) | E20933019544400135800070000000001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Heinersreuth | Biomass (Bm) | E2093301955000030683045A000000001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Heinersreuth | Biomass (Bm) | E20933019550000361880010000000001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Neualbenreuth | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000358742600000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Aschaffenburg | Biomass (Bm) | E21624030112544700006000000500001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Marktredwitz | Biomass (Bm) | E23017021000000000000366847100000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Aschaffenburg | Biomass (Bm) | E31624010103095500000004350100001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Zapfendorf | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000325866000000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Wattendorf | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000354781700000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Haßfurt | Biomass (Bm) | E2067001DE00027397437.99.00090337 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Altenkunstadt | Biomass (Bm) | E2104101S160000000000043671100001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Hofheim i.UFr. | Biomass (Bm) | E2104101EA01000000000053929200001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Stadtlauringen | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000369466300000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Großheirath | Biomass (Bm) | E2147101BIO96269WELSBSTR000400001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Lichtenfels | Biomass (Bm) | E21041011000000000000393670700000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Selb | Biomass (Bm) | E201850195100AAAAA100003681200001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Münchberg | Biomass (Bm) | E21875011000000000000361619800000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ebersdorf b.Coburg | Biomass (Bm) | E200570102NEST0090030600000000001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Rehau | Biomass (Bm) | E2104101EA01000000000060953800001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Großbardorf | Biomass (Bm) | E2104101S160000000000032203700001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Bad Königshofen i.Grabfeld | Biomass (Bm) | E21041011000000000000398028900000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Neustadt b.Coburg | Biomass (Bm) | E20577010000000000009770S00000001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Meeder | Biomass (Bm) | E2147101BIO96484GLENDSTR000200001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Hof | Biomass (Bm) | E2024101HofBiogasBGASchleize00001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Hof | Biomass (Bm) | E2024101HofBiogasBGASchleize00002 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Hof | Biomass (Bm) | E2024101HofBiogasBGASchleize00003 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Mellrichstadt | Biomass (Bm) | E2028301UEWR08BI12610000001500001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Mellrichstadt | Biomass (Bm) | E2028301UEWR08BI12610000001300001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Ostheim v.d.Rhön | Biomass (Bm) | E2028301UEWR08BI13810000001700001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Burghausen | Photovoltaic (P) | E2104101S160000000000039397200001 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Stadelhofen | Photovoltaic (P) | E2325401HRA0000000BUCKE0000100006 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Zapfendorf | Photovoltaic (P) | E21041011000000000000390176200000 |
Germany | Renewable Energy Plant | Gefrees | Photovoltaic (P) | E2104101EA01000000000069752100001 |